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So I thought I'd kick off my first official post with one thing that is often on my mind... Loan day!

Being a student (as most of you will probably agree) the money struggle is real, and the count down to the day our loans come in is on from the second we break up for summer (or even before)!

With only a few more days left until the glorious day is upon us I've decided to share with you a few things that I've recently added to my 'loan day wish list' (although I probably still won't be able to afford them all, waa)!

From an array of delightful new autumn colours bursting into the scenes, to some cheap and cheerful neccessities, I can't wait to finally be able walk around town without avoiding going into shops due to the sheer urge to spend money that I simply just don't have.

All items are linked... Enjoy!

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